1. A Master in Education is just one of the qualifications you must have to teach at this school.

2. Bob carefully double-checked the terminology in his paper before submitting it. He could not afford to misuse any words.
在遞交論文之前, Bob 很仔細地再次檢查裡面的術語. 他不能承擔用錯任何字.

3. The countrys updated monetary policy rectified many problems.

4. After losing five games in a row, team morale was at an all-time low.
在連續輸了五場比賽後, 團隊士氣空前的低迷.

5. The two witnesses provided confliting testimonies and were clearly not credible, so the burglar was set free.
這兩個證人提供互相矛盾的證詞, 很明顯的不可採信, 所以竊賊被無罪釋放.

6. To his surprise , a construction worker uncovered a chest of swords when digging at the building site.
讓他很驚訝的是, 一個建築工人在建築工地挖洞的時候發現了一箱的劍.

7. particularly the fluid movement of ballet!

fluid: 形容動作的流暢
fluent: 形容說話的流暢.


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